European NUTS boundaries as GeoJSON at 1:60m
Files | Size | Format | Created | Updated | License | Source |
3 | 1.34 MB | geojson | Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 | GISCO (the Geographical Information System at the COmmission) |
geodata data package providing geojson polygons and shp for administratives European NUTS levels 1, 2 and 3
Data Files
File | Description | Size | Last modified | Download |
nuts_rg_60m_2013_lvl_1 | 203 kB | nuts_rg_60m_2013_lvl_1 | ||
nuts_rg_60m_2013_lvl_2 | 327 kB | nuts_rg_60m_2013_lvl_2 | ||
nuts_rg_60m_2013_lvl_3 | 811 kB | nuts_rg_60m_2013_lvl_3 |
Data Previews
Geo Boundaries for NUTS administrative levels 1, 2 and 3 edition 2013.
If you don't know what NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) are, see the related Wikipedia article
Data is taken from the GISCO EU website.
We choose to deliver data as Shapefiles (SHP) and as GeoJSON.
SHP are in data/shp
GeoJSON are in data
Datasets are provided for NUTS levels 1, 2 and 3.
The columns are
- NUTS_ID: String (5.0)
- STAT_LEVL_: Integer (9.0)
You will also find the original data within data/NUTS_2013_60M_SH
If you need other related informations to NUTS, you can take a look at PDF file describing relationships between original tables in data/NUTS_2013_60M_SH/NUTS_2013_60M_SH/metadata/NUTS_2013_metadata.pdf
This package include the script to automate data retrieving and filtering. As we use NodeJs/Io.js, you need to install the software. Then, install dependencies with:
cd scripts && npm install
To launch all the process, just do (default scale: 60M
node index.js
Or specify scale and use the following command, where {scale}
can be 01M
, 03M
, 10M
, 20M
or the default 60M
node index.js {scale}
We choose to let a lot of comments and you may encounter some minors job unrelated code for learning purpose if you need to use node-gdal library.
This Data Package is licensed by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL).
Refer to the Copyright notice of the source dataset for any specific restrictions on using these data in a public or commercial product.