Global Historical Population

11.74 kBcsvover 7 years agoOpen Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)Appendix in Joel E. Cohen, *How Many People Can the Earth Support?*, Norton 1996, ISBN 0-393-31495-2

Global historical population data The population data starts from -1000000 BC to 1990 with the average number of people. There are several population data from the different reports such as: Deevey...

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AveragenumberAverage number of people in millions
DeeveynumberNumber of people in millions
McEvedy and Jones 1978numberNumber of people in millions
Durand LownumberNumber of people in millions
Durand HighnumberNumber of people in millions
ClarknumberNumber of people in millions
BirabennumberNumber of people in millions
BlaxternumberNumber of people in millions
UNnumberNumber of people in millions
KremernumberNumber of people in millions


Global historical population data


The population data starts from -1000000 BC to 1990 with the average number of people. There are several population data from the different reports such as: Deevey,McEvedy and Jones 1978,Durand Low,Durand High,Clark,Biraben,Blaxter,UN,Kremer.

Source: Appendix in Joel E. Cohen, How Many People Can the Earth Support?, Norton 1996, ISBN 0-393-31495-2.


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