Plan for Week
- tutorial-pages-v0.1 Publishing a tutorial and sharing what we have so far
- What is our product? ✅ our product is DataHub Pages and currently v0.0.1 which is using the "data-literate" template to build your site (and then deploy it)
- State of existing datahub.io e.g. existing user database - this is probably a project
Closing Projects
Capturing important items to still do from consolidate-the-analysis-2022-02
- Landing Page Copy (GDoc) ⏭️ move to landing-page-for-pages-v1
- Datopian Product Issue Tree / Hyp Tree incl DataHub [ACTIVE]
- Review each sheet in spreadsheet and identify if any actions
- https://tech.datopian.com/datahub/v3/ ❓ could move into here but why bother? (would be good-ish practice. alternative is back-publish/blog ⏭️2022-03-14 * publish as a blog post (back-post)
- gitlab.com/datopian/core/tech/datahub/ - PLAN etc
- ditto for datahub-git-based
- The Data Value Journey re DataHub Pages - this is basically business case / product context showing where DataHub Pages fits in the overall value journey ⏭️ part of business case. Either no move or moves to this repo somewhere.
- 2022-02-14 - lots to process here …
SELECT TASK from 'projects/2022-02-consolidate-the-analysis'