Anu and Rufus re ../projects/product-plan-2023

Anu and Rufus re ../projects/product-plan-2023

Present: Rufus, Anu

Intention: get in sync so we are on the same page re product owner work on key offers (and supporting stacks)



KPIs 🚧

🚩 brief discussino

Look at the funnel and work through that

  • Number of (good) inquiries
  • Number that become a call
  • Number that we close


Open Data Portal SaaS


  • How many inquiries have we had? i can see 83 contacts in sendinblue in the last week. of which a small fraction look good (i.e. business etc) 🚩 don't know exactly
    • How many did we have before, before having the form ✅2023-03-28 40 unique visitors a day before. with form around 10 per day.
  • Pricing
    • Per portal 👍 yes definitely
    • Per publisher (eg, 5 user) 👍? don't think so to start
    • Maybe datasets / storage (for the most basic one) 👍👎 (people worry then about no datasets) have a soft limit
    • Per feature 👍👍 yes definitely
  • Pricing tiers e.g. Starter, Premium, VIP/Enterprise
    • Our approach: Our goal is "democratising the power of data" so let's pass on whatever we can
    • Maybe soft limits on data api and storage (e.g. 1TB on starter plan for storage, Data API usage)
  • See ODS landing language - Do we want something like opendatasoft more generic pitch page ✅2023-03-28 Rufus: i'd say no, that's kind of fluffy, far up the funnel. Let's focus on people who want a portal and our resellers
  • Do we know our own costs? ✅2023-03-28 for our SaaS option. For one portal: $300 / month. At that drops linearly up to say 10 portals
    • Rufus aside: that suggests pricing starter at e.g. $99 a month. And Premium between 200-500 …


  • Of all the enquiries through DataHub over last 6-7m have any resulted in business? ✅2023-03-28 don't believe so

Notes from Anu outflow

  • Writing a document about Open Data Portal SaaS (an intro article) so that I can present it e.g. what features are there, … to potential reseller partners
  • Need a pricing
    • So i can give to others on the team?💬2023-03-28 Rufus: this seems a low priority

What do we want to learn? Is there plausibly product market fit?

  • Starting with people them
  • Market is …
    • Intermediaries e.g. resellers
    • Actual users i.e. cities and govs
  • We want to learn:
    • Do they see any users for this?
      • What is the key selling points? i.e. what are the pain points currently? e.g. cost, complexity, extensibility (lock-in)? I want to be in something that's supported long-term?
    • Do we have the technical features that are needed e.g. DCAT-AP?
    • What price point?


DataHub Next

see Demo section in

  • Showcase working for data rich documents
  • Showcase working for Frictionless Datasets
  • Hiring data journalist for a trial

What are these meetings about?

Primarily: Rufus supporting Anu in leading the Offers work at Datopian covering things like:

  • Stacks or a specific one
  • Offers or a specific one

Working as "product owners" i.e. people choosing the features and roadmap for our development of a stack or offer

Contacts for reseller etc etc

🚚 MOVED to

Spreadsheet -

  • 🇫🇷 Multi-coop Johan Richer the founder of 🔥🔥 (Rufus knows them well)
  • 🇫🇮 Open Knowledge Finland @rufuspollock could dig out a contact
  • 🇨🇭 LIIP also others (e.g. Open Data Switzerland) status: have contact, need to arrange meeting 🔥🔥
  • 🇧🇷 Open Knowledge Brazil, our own team
  • 🇺🇸 Joel, Civic Actions … 🔥🔥
    • Friendly cities e.g. santa monica
  • 🇸🇦 (Middle East) ?? Maiada …
  • 🇦🇪 Christ (Maiada)
  • 🇩🇪 our old partners todo 🔥
    • Sebastian Moleski …??? 🤣
  • 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ?? (Rufus, Open Data Institute?, old contacts)
  • 🇮🇹 Open Knowledge Italy old contacts. a borroso etc
  • 🇳🇬 (Nigeria) our team …?
  • 🇲🇦 (Morocco) ??
  • 🇩🇰 Denmark (Franc)
  • 🇸🇪 Sweden (new lead from Stockholm)
  • 🇪🇸 Spain - we had partners there (just gone quiet). Desidedatum Marc Garriga (CEO)
  • 🇨🇿 Czech Republic (I can check if somebody)
  • 🇰🇿 Central Asia (Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan) - Azamat (via Anu)

Create Strategy and Plan for Open Data Portal SaaS Offer

Outcomes for the planning work

  • Internal "landing page" giving 5Ws (what, why, where, when, who)
  • SCQA?
    • Hypothesis tree = List of hypotheses 🏆🏆🏆
      • Core hypothesis
  • Business model canvas?
  • OKRs
  • Plan of work 🔥🔥
  • Budget


  • How do we find leads?
  • What's our pitch?
  • What features we should have?
  • How do we sell to them?
  • Why whould they buy from us?


  • We can find leads via existing partners/relationships.
  • We can target specific regions with a relevant pitch (e.g., check regions where we have clients).
  • We can have specific pitch per region, e.g.
    • EU -> DCAT-AP
    • Switzerland -> DCAT-AP-CH
  • Our main competitive advantage (compared to who) is accessibility, (cost-effectiveness) and feature-rich and low-effort.
    • Re CKAN: CKAN has reputation (ironically) of being expensive an/or difficult to use (because you need special expertise to host and maintain it)
  • We should talk to our partners and listen to feedback to understand what features would be great to have.

We believe X (or have question X)

We can test it by doing Y

And will know by time Z

🚚 Open Data Portal SaaS Plan

🚚 MOVED to ../projects/portals-saas-2023

We can cost-effectively (i.e. profitably) gain new [open] data portals business [how much, by when] [in the next year], and medium-term (next 3y?) build a profitable SaaS business in open data portals with $1m+ in ARR.

  • Do we focus only on open data portals e.g. open data soft seemed to have pivoted somewhat successfully
    • Bigger question: is there a way to frame a portal differently and usefuly from a "data catalog" which has got a bit done to death now?
  • Our current situation
    • Our current ARR in hosted data portals is X
  • We can be profitable
    • The LTV of a new customer will be at least 3k(andwitharangeof3k (and with a range of 3 - $30k)
      • It costs us $100-300 / month to run a SaaS data portal
      • We will have blended margins 2x that so at least 100300perportalimplies100-300 per portal implies 1-3k per year
      • Customers stay with us at least 3y
    • Cost of acquisition: it will cost us no more than 3kperportaltoacquire10customersoverthenextyearand3k per portal to acquire 10 customers over the next year and 2k per customer for the next 10 customers
      • We need to bid on Y RFPs
      • Truth is we have little idea here. Key point is for us to track cost
  • We can acquire customers
    • We have acquired customers
    • We can acquire customers via RFPs
    • We can acquire customers via direct
  • The market size is $100m+
    • There are estimated Y open data portals 💬2023-03-28 at least 50 big ones (e.g. major govs) and would guess at least another 1000 smaller ones
    • Average revenue is at least $10k / year



  • I need a pitch (outline of MVP)
  • Test it with …

Key question: how do we acquire clients? And can we acquire enough cost-effectively?

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