✅ see ../notes/product-plan-for-2023-mar-2023
Create a product plan for DataHub product line for 2023
- Summarize the high level plan and present to key stakeholders e.g. lead links
- Tech roadmap
- BizDev roadmap
Tasks in https://github.com/datopian/product/issues/57
See ticket
- Draw a diagram of platforms and offers/products that's pretty helpful ✅2023-03-10 see ../Excalidraw/product-two-buckets-2023-03-10.excalidraw
- Have a status table ✅2023-03-13 have a status section
- A full list of products and their status 🔽 ✅2023-03-13 ❌ have some listing in ../notes/product-plan-for-2023-mar-2023 and not sure we need more for now
- Is this in the report or PRODUCT ✅2023-03-13 have it in PRODUCT for longterm
Report Jan 2023
- Process items from 2023-01-23#Rufus / Luccas chat ✅2023-01-27
- copy over from drive the product overview done start of jan into notes ✅2023-03-09 ../notes/product-plan-for-2023-jan-2023
Report March 2023
- summarize where we are today
- Terminology: platforms and products
- What do we have?
- What platforms?
- What products?
- What is their status?
- What needs do they address?
- What do we focus on?
- Why?
- What we do next 🔥
- Which are we actively developing?
- Which are we actively marketing?
- Clean up existing product related materials
- ../projects/product-plan-2023
- Intro is useful ✅2023-03-13 processed into main doc
- ../projects/product-plan-2023#FAQs and Terms is quite useful ✅2023-03-13 merged into the plan doc
- ../PRODUCT#Apps and Solutions - definitions with a sketch. ⏭️ new definitions. sketch is out of date. also may this sketch comes later.
- ../PRODUCT#Product List - in progress list. duplicate of more recent
- ../PRODUCT#Components in Apps/Solutions - supposed to indicate what features are in what model. Only just started. My recommendation is ditch this for now and create a task or project around the idea of doing this mapping.
- ../areas/canvas - start of outline of data canvas ✅2023-03-13 deleted as not the name for now
- ../notes/datahub-next-direction-march-2023 - ideas around datahub next stuff. ⏭️ polish up a bit ✅2023-03-13 ❌ not needed for now for product roadmap
- ? do we create a page for each idea? ✅2023-03-13 ❌ not for now
- ../notes/product-line-2023-03-07.canvas ✅2023-03-13 deleted
- Various excalidraw
- ../projects/product-plan-2023
Internal Products vs External Products aka Solutions (January)