portaljs + datahubio excalidraw https://link.excalidraw.com/l/9u8crB2ZmUo/GQJyQhESVE

You can't visualize frictionless datasets atm on Github because they won't render nicely


https://shapeupnotes.flowershow.app/#chapter-2-principles-of-shaping SHAPING

https://lifeitself.org/tao/meetings#processing-material-from-meetings Processing meetings

Stays here

FAQ https://github.com/datopian/datahub/discussions/1166

Excalidraw https://app.excalidraw.com/l/9u8crB2ZmUo/2Yi8iB94NSu

PRODUCT VISION SUPER IMPORTANT https://link.excalidraw.com/p/readonly/uuoQlgbF9aDuiXMrOMeI https://github.com/datopian/product/blob/main/areas/datahub-cloud.md

https://github.com/datopian/datahub-next/blob/main/notes/DESIGN.md DESIGN of the features

EXAMPLES / Showcases

https://strategy.lifeitself.org/ https://data.qiot.kz/ https://datahub.io/core/finance-vix https://datahub.io/@Daniellappv/oil-prices-this https://datahub.io/core/co2-ppm

what we currently support

Currently we support the following:

  • any markdown + datapackage frontmatter field
  • any index.md/README.md + same level datapackage.{json/yaml/yml}

Having data files that are not specifically listed in the datapackage are ignored.

Adding extra sources

Basic functionality to repos without datapackage in the frontend or datapackage.json

Cutting floor room

Making https://datarich-demo.datahub.io/ page looks like https://datarich-demo.datahub.io/posts/story2 and https://datarich-demo.datahub.io/posts/story1

How to describe a dataset https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-package/#language DATA PACKAGE

https://graphy.app/ inside Notion - how does it work if you want to include your csv and




or you need to specify it in the frontmatter

How should they format their data

This is the data package spec we are following https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-package/ and the only thing we are supporting when it comes to dataset pages // datapackage in the frontmatter // should have: index.md or README.md + datapackage.json // see https://github.com/datasets

Portaljs components

you write a react component, we import it and it's done!!

So if a new version from portaljs gets released, we need to bump the version of Datahub Cloud as well. We don't have it automated yet. The new components will be supported. It's a small tweak of the code.

Support for yaml or json will switch to data package

Start creating your sites and let's capture them somewhere ////

Please just try out these instructions. Try out the app. Please share your feedback HERE #202 Please try using it with your own datasets. Make sure to capture the outcome sites HERE

Datahub vision 2021 https://datahub.io/blog/datahub-vision-2021


Views in the data package: this has to be rendered; by default, we use plotly // PlotlyGraph

from this spec into something that turns into a graph system //

What graphing library should we use for doing this? Mosaic or Plotly or Vega Lite

I come along, I've got my scratchpad… I paste the link to it here and I drop a file and I directly get it uploaded with r2

I paste the link, I get a data table //

GO UPLOAD to datahub

Tools to use and play around with

Tableau Observable GitHub Pages + Jekyll

SWOT analysis - strengths and weaknesses // where are they positioning themselves //

Datahub Cloud to be discussed

Prerequisites and having the data package and what you need to have in order to make it work with Datahub Cloud

Everything else is app-intuitive

HOWEVER: For dataset pages, there should be a special frontmatter that has to be added. You have to put sth in the yaml on the frontmatter or use inline on certain elements or pass some hardcoded data etc.

Table component

How detailed do we want the tutorials to be. If we will make simple tutorial and not go into some API ref pages that have detailed info about which fields are supported currently, or go into data package specification; maybe we use an example frontmatter https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-package/#language is the data package format popular or not

12 Feb 2024 Weekly Plan

What is the job story of Datahub Cloud?

When I am working on creating a dataset, I want to be able to easily share it with others so that I get their feedback and input.

I want to be able to present it elegantly to the wider public so that I gain traction and interest to my work.

so that my data is useful to

To read

To do

Anu: place to create the list of datasets - collecting it in one place: catalog and content

Come up with iteration of the current datahub.io page. https://datarich-demo.datahub.io/posts/story2 https://datarich-demo.datahub.io/

Find elegant looking

someone doing a mood board to the showcase page

Product Github for Datahub Cloud. Thesis.

Issue in the product repo to write up the Datahub Cloud plan as of today.

9 Feb 2024

  • Check in
  • Updates
    • Customers insights / feedback log
    • Write-up Datahub vision and plan as of 2nd of Feb
  • Bizdev updates
  • Planning
    • Putting the Landing page out on datahub.io
    • Shaping the EPIC v1-rc1

Jan 26 Products weekly


Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 15.10.53.png

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 15.10.59.png

Flowershow cloud onboarding

Quickly sharing content with other people.

Difficult when the person doesn't have a use case. Or doesn't have their digital garden already. Flowershow is mostly for people who already have markdown files and are using some Editor and they want to publish it. Idea is to have all Obsidian features supported as well. Eg. People publish their vaults with Obsidian publish.

Yoana's feedback re Flowershow:

  • Formatting issues
    • eg. Alignments. Ola: Not possible to have different alignments. We don't even know how to implement it.
  • I want my personal notes to be neat. Uploading pictures I want to put 10 pictures, there is no gallery component - infinite scroll of pictures.


  • Yoana to update the Misc issue on the product repo.
    • Style of the page. Format of the page. Ola is aware and she will add some styles from the Flowershow template.
    • Custom Domain error/instruction message should be different. More specifically what should be the format?
  • Schedule a meeting with Yoana and Anuar re use cases. Data portals/catalogs. What is the idea?
  • Research a bit based on our conversation?


  • If there are no specific questions, Onboarding is stuck after the site is deployed. The first version is only for Github users.
  • Add a nav bar or a sidebar showing all pages available (content navigation)
  • Documentation tba on the cloud.flowershow.app page with eg. what components are supported //

How do we sell Datahub Cloud.

We don't normally start from research. We create something and we are trying to find someone who is interested.

We need to research. Who would use the datahub cloud? We need to talk to Anuar and/or Rufus.

Who is our desired user and why do they want to use Datahub Cloud?

  • Datarich stories - strictly for data rich documents. They will want to visualize their data. What are the alternatives or competitors?
    • Vital Strategies want to share their data and viz in an usable form with their teammates all around the world. They want to write data stories.
  • Can you create a catalog out of this?

Datahub Cloud vs Flowershow Cloud

Datahub Cloud will be for data users and for creating data portals ^^ we will have data queries, datarich stuff.

While flowershow will tackle all types of users


In Datahub cloud, you want to be able to create datasets.

What is a data portal? Something that has a data catalog and datasets.

Application where you can search through the data or metadata catalog and discover and explore specific datasets

MarkdownDB - let"s say I have hundreds of md files and then you use MarkdownDB as a catalog and database

I need an example.

Roadmap and to backlog of items:

  1. Landing page of the datahub cloud which is going to be on datahub.io – Ola is already working on this (similar page on Flowershow cloud). It will be ready tomorrow latest
    1. Content: what should be described on the page
    2. We can reuse a lot of Flowershowapp and repurpose it.
  2. B2C
  3. Examples how the product can be used
  4. What features do we have
    1. datarich could be a main feature
    2. markdowndb?

Simplicity of markdown

V1 Github based Milestone

  • Landing page is required -
    • Content mostly
    • Structure
      • What components
      • What order
  • Start creating the marketing strategy
  • Create an issue for the minor bugs that have to be
    • Checklists rendering
    • For Ola to check the custom domains and if this works
  • Finalising flowershow cloud onboarding as a way to have some initial feedback from people.

Research and brainstorming for v2 of the product

Think through how this should work for people who don't want to use Github.

Backlog from a technical perspective:

  • We currently assume that the user has a GitHub account. We want to cover the people who aren't on Github as well.
      1. an option to use a GitHub repo
      1. or start from scratch. If eg. you have datasets on your local machine.
      • Maybe we create their github account and a repo. And the user uses some sort of editor directly in Datahub Cloud.
    • You should be able to create this even if you are not on GitHub.
  • Custom domains
    • Make sure it works. According to Ola this already works.
  • If you want to display a dataset in the form of a graph> how can we change this so that they


  • Ola to send Yoana notes re flowershow
  • Meeting so that Ola onboards us on flowershow cloud and demo stuff
  • Yoana will repurpose the content to fit Datahub Cloud etc.
  • Yoana to define the structure of the page and what components and in what order should be there
  • Marketing strategy

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