set up PortalJS and set it up locally and then pick up the bugs


Luis Sagar William (to be compared with Meiran Yedige David Gasquez super cool Rufus

19 June 2024 analysing feedback


  • If there is some sort of pipeline (Opposite to for example rendering everything serverside per request) it would be cool to have some sort of deployment list with logs on it


  • Move everything from to the actual docs ✅
  • I was a little confused on the showSidebar section, cause the default example already has a sidebar for the headings on the markdown, while the sidebar that the docs talks about is related to the list of pages in the project.

18 June 2024 analysing feedback


  • Custom domain: I added a custom domain and did not configure it and when i clicked on visit, it took me to "site cannot be reached". To get back to default I had to remove the custom domain field and save it.

UI enhancements:


  • Custom Domain: When I am adding a custom domain, it might be better to have some more info to explain how or some link to an external or an internal doc for explanation.
  • Notion: There is no info on how to publish a notion doc
  • Markdown: Adding markdown instructions could be a cool thing.
  • Components: I was kinda lost to what exactly can be rendered or not, in regards to the markdown document and plots with plotly.
  • Examples: More examples of charts and markdown templates for creating good documents
  • Breadcrumbs: breadcrumb navigation at the top: so users can easily navigate to the previous page they were on
  • Next topic/previous topic: links at the bottom of each doc page: this will help the user maintain a sense of journeying through the docs, and they also know what comes next
  • Relative path: add docs for multilevel structures and how to do relative path properly


  • Auto-sync: The only issue I have with it is that after updating a doc, I can't see the changes immediately or see the progress to know when the page is updated, I have to go to my settings and click the sync button.
  • Editor:
    • Is there any other channel to update and note apart from updating GitHub, or using the Obsidian interface? Any consideration for channels that allow sporadic action, channels like browser plugin editor, etc.?
    • WYSIWYG Editor. Eg. is a editor that have a lot of features for writing and rendering markdown documents in a WYSIWYG way
    • A WYSIWYG editor (even minimal functionality, and with a few default general charts)
    • Preview: Previewing is a bit painful when on developing mode : have to commit than sync
  • Customization:
    • I would like to customize my website header, with my own logo, navigation, etc
    • More UI control:
      • Custom logo and navigation
      • Maybe a different theme and color scheme
      • Ability to create grid views
    • A drag-and-drop code generator that will allow the user to have greater control over the layout of their page, define or upload multiple datasets, and have the ability to match these data with interface components
    • Data previews custom: I would like to configure If I want to enable or disable preview for each resource defined in datapackage
  • Components and charts: SmartyPants support, KaTex support, tables support, scatter plot, heatmap and streamline map. Also, the ability to plot multiple lines and highlight each one of them in the line chart.
  • Data files support:
    • Add support for importing datas in different formats than CSV, like VTK/Paraview, Json, xml and DICOM.
    • Allow different rules for parsing a CSV file, some CSV datasets need to be reformatted to be correctly parsed by datahub. e.g: some datasets use \t as the spacing char instead of comma, etc.
    • I was not able to show jpg as a dataset when defined in datapackage resource. It should show an image preview if a jpg | png | other image format is set in datapackage resource.
  • Data computation:
    • Add the ability to calculate some things like MSE, RMSE, standard deviation, etc

May 2024 feedback me myself and I

based on my experience publishing

  1. 8 files in my repository. Only 6 of them are in Data files list. Only 5 of them have data previews
  2. It is not obvious how I can load the other md files within my repository and I don't have a quick way of doing it which is annoying
    1. Not visible on the dashboard overview as well
    2. Eg. I published and the way to find the published site is to go to my published and type the following in the url /glycemic-index-glycemic-load-foods
  3. I copy pasted the frontmatter from the cloud template but then I want to add "Created date", "Updated date" and "Source". I also don't know if the size is accurately computed or it is just a placeholder
  4. Same goes for the data files list:
    1. I figured out how to add a description myself
    2. However, I certainly don't want to add the size of each file I have manually so it will be forever empty unless we compute it automatically
    3. Last modified is clearly not showing anything as well
  5. Data previews
    1. Ignoring the terrible layout of the FlatUI tables (which I have raised 1000 times by now), I have 6 files and only the first 5 get to have previews (I have flagged this imo bug before)
  6. General navigation
    1. my page is already quite long and I have no overview what's there and not esp. after adding the data package frontmatter ..
    2. I want to have some on-site navigation and see what's there and be able to click and navigate to each section

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