Getting data tutorial

This guide covers how to get data from the DataHub.

Installing data

This guide will cover how to install the data tool and verify that it is working properly.

Publishing data

This guide walks you through how to put data online using data tool and the DataHub.

Push Excel files

In this tutorial, we will explain how to push Excel data to the DataHub.

Publish a Data Package on Datahub

Learn how to publish a data package using the data CLI tool.

Data Package Find-Prepare-Share Guide

The guide for finding, packaging and sharing data.

How to use info, cat and get commands of data tool

Learn how to use data tool to extract a dataset summary, preview data and download it.


Learn DataHub features by tutorials!

Automation guide (experimental)

Automate your dataset so it will be updated and processed automatically without your interaction.

How to use multiple DataHub accounts

Learn how to manage multiple DataHub accounts.

Auto-publish your datasets using Travis-CI

In this tutorial, we provide instructions on how to automate publishing your dataset via Travis-CI.

Datahub JS SDK Tutorial

Create the data driven project that uses the DataHub to get and store datasets.


Discover DataHub features!

Teams and permissions

Publish your datasets under an organization account.

Auto generated csv, json and zip

Here we describe what is auto generated for you - ZIP, CSV and JSON versions.

API instructions

Use our API to get/post the data with you application.

Preview tables for your data

Explore what are preview tables and how you can find them.


Find out what are DataHub views and what you can do with it.

data: Command Line Tool

Learn how to use our Command Line Tool.

Core Data

Important, commonly-used data as high quality, easy-to-use and open data packages

Core Data Curators

Core Data Curators curate the core data. Find out more and how to get involved.

Core Data Curators Guide

A guide for Core Data Curators on curating core data.

Data Packages

Learn about Data Packages!

Put it Online

This tutorial is about how to publish your Data Package online for others to find and use.

Publishing Data Packages - Best practice patterns

This page summarizes the best practice patterns that should be followed when creating a data package.

Publishing Tabular Data

Here's how to publish your tabular data as Tabular Data Packages.

Tabular Data Packages

Tabular Data Package is a simple structure for publishing and sharing tabular data.

Publish Any Kind of Data

You can publish all and any kind of data as Data packages.

Publishing Geospatial Data as Data Packages

Publishing your Geodata as Data Packages is very easy.

Data Packages

A Data Package (or DataPackage) is a simple way of "packaging" up data.

Publish Data as Data Packages

You can publish any kind of data as a Data Package

CSV - Comma Separated Values

This page provides an overview CSV (Comma Separated Values) format for data.


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